The violence at Itipini
continues. We thought it had been dying down and that maybe whoever it was that
was behind it had moved to another place or stopped coming to Itipini. It was
circulated for a while that the perpetrators were from Maiden Farm, a government
housing community across the river. That, however doesn’t seem to be the
case. It’s come to light that the acts are definitely being committed by
a group of young men inside of Itipini. Last night, these men went to the house
of a woman who lives alone somewhere in the area between Itipini and
Waterfall (the next settlement down). This woman, in an attempt to eek out a living, sold liquor from her
house which, if we’re going to be honest, is one of the easiest ways to make
money. It doesn’t, however, come without danger. These men went to her house
and stole all of her money and liquor. But the terrible and heart-breaking part
is that they shot her. Right there in her own hut. It wasn’t enough to steal
all of her money and goods; they killed her. And for what? A little cash and a
stash of liquor? But this is a sad reality in many parts of this country. This
is a sad reality in the Eastern Cape. Young men, wanting to escape from their
frustrating lives, drink liquor and often too much. Young drunken men,
desperate to feel some kind of power and control in their lives, take out their
anger and rage on those that are weaker than them. When women come into the
clinic because they’ve been beaten by a husband or boyfriend, it is almost
always reported that said husband or boyfriend was drunk. Last week, when we
learned about the child being raped by her older brother, he was drunk. All of
these instances of violence and abuse seem to come about when men are drunk.
But alcohol isn’t the root of the problem; it’s a coping mechanism (and not a
good one) to some deeper feeling of frustration or inadequacy. Unemployment in
the Eastern Cape is among the highest in the country. Men can’t find work and
the work they do find is not skilled labor and is often very temporary. They grow
up caught in this cycle of poverty and all around them see signs of a better
life, a more rich life, a more comfortable life. They want more and many of
them have the drive and the brains to do more, but they are trapped. Despite
their desire, there are many forces at work that keep them poor. They are stuck
in the cycle of poverty and can’t get out. So they stop looking for more and
instead look for comfort and escape. The amount of alcohol abuse here is
stunning and I just keep thinking, “There has to be a better way.” There has to
be some way to start to alleviate those problems that cause people to turn to
drugs and alcohol. What that way is isn’t clear to me yet, but hopefully some
day it will be. Hopefully, some day, this country will function in a way that
uplifts its citizens of all races and class. Hopefully, some day, all countries
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